vape kits
How does vape work?
An electronic cigarette or vape is a modern device that creates vapor for inhalation. Flavored vapor is formed due to the evaporation of a special liquid from the surface of the element, which is heated, and may or may not contain nicotine. The main components of such a device are a battery pack, which is a power source, as well as an upper part - an evaporator, with the help of which the liquid turns into a vapor.
The device works as follows: the current from the battery goes to the evaporator soaked in vape liquid. An electric current heats the coil, and the evaporator turns the liquid into vapor.
With a similar principle of operation and components, these devices exist in various shapes, types and sizes, and each model has its own characteristics and specifics of work.
Choosing a vape: types and features
Vape is purchased when you want to quit smoking regular cigarettes, due to following fashion trends or as a way to spend your free time. Electronic cigarettes can be divided into two types: electronically controlled circuit boards that control and protect batteries, internal components, and mechanical mods (mechanical mods). The second option does not have electronics in the composition, it requires special maintenance skills, compliance with safety regulations.
A box mod is a device consisting of a screen, an electronic board, control buttons and an internal battery (it may not even be one). Thanks to the box mod, power is supplied to the evaporator through the board, voltage and current are regulated, and the operation of the device is controlled at all stages. It is easy to maintain and suitable for those who are just getting started with vaping.
Mechmod - a device on the body of which there is a manual switch button, there is no board. The principle of mechanical design is based on the direct output of power not supplied to the board, pressing a button activates the device. These models should be chosen by experienced vapers, because they require proper care and vaping skills.
When choosing a vape kit, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:
Battery capacity. It determines how long the device can vape without charging or replacing the battery. For example, a battery with a capacity of 900 mAh will last, on average, for half a day, and a device with a capacity of 1900 mAh will last a whole day;
vape tank (atomizer and clearomizer). With its help, a liquid container and an evaporative element are combined in one device.
thermal control. Its presence will protect the device from burnout, will increase the life of the evaporator and evenly evaporate the liquid.
There are many models of electronic cigarettes. It is impossible to find a universal device, because when choosing a product, each user pays attention to different parameters. Common shopping solutions are device kits with a box mod (battery pack) and an atomizer (vaporizer).
Pleasant taste and minimized harm
This popular device is similar in principle to an inhaler - the liquid turns into vapor when puffed. The device can have manual or automatic activation. In the first case, the heater only works when the button is pressed. In the second, when tightening, the sensor is triggered, transmitting a signal to the evaporator, which turns on the heater and the liquid turns into steam. The battery stops working at the end of the puff.
The device differs from a tobacco product:
fewer harmful substances for active and passive smokers;
the ability to use a flavored liquid with minimal or no nicotine content;
independent easy filling system;
original design, made in different styles, a variety of shapes, sizes and colors.
The refill fluid consists of water, glycerin, propylene glycol and flavoring. Nicotine may or may not be included, so it is possible to stop or reduce your intake with vaping.